Watch This Video!
Pastors Kevin & Amy talk about the vision of Fearless Church and what Heart for the House is all about.
What is Heart for the House?
Heart for the House is our capital campaign and an expression of our “heart for His house” for the next phase of ministry. It's where we sow into the vision of Fearless Church, bringing a sacrificial offering above our tithe to move the vision ahead to reach people far from God.
What is the Phase II Vision of Fearless Church?
We’re excited to announce that Fearless Church is embarking on an exciting new phase of ministry! We're expanding our reach to start a Christian Preschool and establishing an official Fearless Church Headquarters, which will provide much needed meeting space for midweek activities and a foundational presence in our local community.
Why a Christian School?
We believe that reaching young families and children is crucial to the future of our community. By providing a high-quality, Christ-centered education, we're not only meeting a significant need in our area but also sowing seeds of faith and hope in the next generation.
This ministry will also provide much-needed high-quality jobs and ministry to families in our community.
What Your Investment Will Do
Your generous donation will directly impact the lives of countless children and families.
We are beliving in faith to raise $100,000 to cover the costs of:
• Permits, Licenses, and Certificate of Occupancy
• Furnishings and Equipment
• Playground Construction
A Wise Investment
By investing in this capital campaign, you're not just giving; you're sowing seeds for future growth. Our preschool will operate as an income-producing business model, helping to fund community outreach, benevolence programs, and other vital ministry initiatives.
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it

Your Tax-Deductible Donation
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your contribution to Fearless Church is tax-deductible.
How can you help move the vision forward?
Each square represents $1000. Help us color in this board!
Pledges to the building fund move the vision forward. H4H funds go directly to design, construction and establishment of Phase II of the Fearless Church Vision (Ministry Headquarters and Daycare/ Preschool)
Each Square equals $1000 dollars

**UPDATE: Over $34,000 has been raised so far!**
Here’s how you can partner with us:
Pray Specifically
We are praying for you to have an ear to hear from the Lord. We ask you to prayerfully consider the opportunity to give and pray specifically on what part you are to play.
Plan Intentionally
Sometimes generosity is not spontaneous, but intentional. We want you to take an intentional step of faith with us.
Give Generously
Be a generous giver, and bring your best gift. We’re asking for you to give above and beyond your normal giving for the growth and expansion of the church.
20 Year Vision of Fearless Church

The vision of our House has always looked like a wheel with spokes. The church at the center as a life-giving hub of ministry with a large community outreach presence with multiple marketplace ministry concepts.
These phases each represent outreaches into our city to meet people right where they are.
-Local Church Campus(es)
-K-12 Christian School
-Ministry Training College Programs
-Kids Recreational Center- such as Indoor Bouncehouse Center, Skyzone
-Youth/Young Adults Recreational Center including Coffee House
-Transitional Housing Apartments
-Hope Center Life Skills & Training
The vision of Fearless Church is BIG and only possible by Faith in God! One of our core values is Fearless Faith- That we will never insult God with small dreams. We invite you to join with us together as we see this incredible Faith-Vision come to life in our city!
Join Us in Building a Brighter Future
We invite you to partner with us in this exciting endeavor. Your support will make a lasting impact on our community.